The Team

Tony Newman - Head coach

Tony is the head coach and founder of the Backstreet Dojo. Tony has over 50 plus years in martial arts and martial arts coaching and teaching. Tony is a Black belt in TEATSU and Japanese Jiujitsu and has a vast knowledge of combat sports and coaching fighters. Tony runs a number of the TEATSU, K1 and MMA classes at the backstreet Dojo and is an experienced PT.


antony newman - BJJ Coach

Antony is the head BJJ coach at the Dojo and has over 10 years experience in BJJ and 30 years experience in Karate, he is a Black belt in TEATSU martial arts and a Black under Andy Roberts in BJJ. Antony has competed in multiple different combat sports (karate, kickboxing and MMA). He still actively competes in BJJ and is the currently British nogi open gold medallist.

Antony has over 20 years experience in coaching and provides personal training in BJJ, K1, MMA and strength & conditioning.

Antony runs the BJJ classes and is an experienced PT and MMA coach.


Josh Newman - teatsu instructor

Josh is a Black belt in TEATSU and is the lead Junior and beginners TEATSU instructor. Josh has been training TEATSU Martial arts for over 25 years. He is experience PT and runs regular boot camps at the Dojo.


steve gilbert - head teatsu instructor

Steve is the head TEATSU instructor at the dojo, he has over 50 years in martial arts and has an extensive knowledge of coaching and training. Steve is a black belt in TEATSU and Japanese Jiujitsu he also has trained in Aikido and unarmed combat training from his time in the Navy. Steve is a qualified PT and is accredited to give out regular health and fitness checks for the student.


joe hughes - k1 coach

Joe is one of our k1/kickboxing coaches, focusing mainly on the junior classes, Joe also helps run & manage the gym.

He has been involved in combat sports since the age of 12 where he was an amateur boxer, moving into the k1/kickboxing scene in his early 20s. He has competed in boxing, kickboxing and MMA.

Joe's qualifications include

Gym instructors level 2

Sports nutrition

Strength & conditioning level 4

Sports massage level 3

3rd dan blackbelt in freestyle kickboxing

Is currently training up for elite level 4 pt & rsph level 4 nutritionist.
